What are you Watching?!

What are you Watching?!

With all the political chaos, horrifying shootings, and recent pipe bomb scares, we have been avoiding the news to keep our spirits up. It’s Halloween time though and usually we’re all about watching one scary movie after the next, but this year not so much. Game shows keep us entertained, Netflix series always help and you can’t go wrong with Comedy. 


So what are we watching? Believe it or not for the past two nights in a row we’ve actually been watching the Dodgers play in the World Series against the Red Sox! 

Mike and I are not big sports fans so this is definitely a shift for us! But these games are in our home town and my company has hosted a few events at Dodger Stadium in years past, so we’ve actually been to experience the excitement, the commoradery and the team spirit! Go Dodgers!!! 



I hope you too find something on TV that doesn’t depress, stress you out or make you upset. Win or lose, the spirit of Dodgers baseball is enough for today to make us smile! 

Happy watching, 

Crystal Olguin

October 27, 2018

Old as the Thrills! Archaic Attractions.

Old as the Thrills! Archaic Attractions.

For my Boss

For my Boss