When was the last time you cried and why?

Well this one should be easy! I broke my left wrist (a Collles radial fracture) on Saturday evening and the shock and pain that I experienced from that really rattled me. But I actually held in the tears until I got home and sat down on upon my own comforting couch. So that’s when the waterworks turned on and was the last time I cried.

Swollen wrist on day 1

Swollen wrist on day 1

That was rough. It gave me a different perspective on life. Kinda made me realize how fragile and brittle the human body can be. We had these scooters for just over an hour and in a fraction of a second, everything changed from a joyful childlike feeling to a very different childlike feeling of helplessness, lying on the ground, hands stinging, hip throbbing, and that big lump settling in my throat leaving me in pain and broken.

Day 2 after X-rays

Day 2 after X-rays

But ya know what, I won’t let this break me. I won’t let this stop me from achieving my goals. I have too much to do! Events coming up, friends and family to see, fitness challeneges to conquer, growth to achieve, things to learn, people to meet, pictures to take, and life to live to its absolute fullest!

Flowers from work

Flowers from work

So in persepective, yes I will have a cast put on for the next 6-8 weeks, but that’s a mere battle scar. A bump in the road. A warriors reminder ​that I always learn from my mistakes and that often I am stronger in the end because of it. So although I may fall, I will also rise back up! ​Nothing’s going to hold me back now. I’m motivated. I am Crystal. 

Thanks for reading warriors!​

-Crystal Olguin​

September 27, 2018​

What can always be found in your Grocery Cart?

What can always be found in your Grocery Cart?

What did you Believe in as a Child?

What did you Believe in as a Child?