Mike Space: Vision Boards, the creative process and Mystery Science

Mike Space: Vision Boards, the creative process and Mystery Science

Ahoy -oy! Mike here. Welcome to Mike Space. Here at Olguinscene.com I try to post the kind of stuff I would want to read or watch. I put a lot of effort into researching the content for our various media, not to mention the artwork, photos and what-not. So it’s easy to get caught up in the technical details and miss the personal aspect of blogging. I’ve tried to do those 30-day challenge type questions, but I usually just spend forever looking for a challenge I like; and still don’t end up doing it. The questions on those things are really dumb sometimes. So I decided that I’d start a separate column to just post about random stuff I’m thinking about in a little more freewheeling style.

So we're over a week into 2019 somehow. The holidays went by rather quickly, but we have had some good ideas for this year. Before New Years, comedian Ron Funches posted on Twitter that he and his friends were going to make vision boards as a New Year’s Eve party.

I had heard of those before. You make a collage on poster board with things you want to do, achieve, buy, etc. We don't have paper magazines to cut things out of, so we Pintrested stuff and found some cool Bitmojis to represent us and printed them out. I guess the idea is it helps you visualize the positive outcomes to your goals rather than just task planning. I know, sounds delightful right?

It was actually very helpful and kind of fun. I feel like a lot of people know what they don't want, but if confronted with a magic genie the same people wouldn’t know what they do want. So thinking of that kind of stuff was trickier than I thought, but as you work on it you get more and more ideas. It helped me get over a creative block and have a more positive outlook.

Maybe this silly site here is a step towards something greater, or maybe it, in and of itself becomes big. I know I’m an oddball, but if I could find a way to make that work for me and make a living doing so that would be awesome. I’m not always great at stuff right away, but I can usually figure it out and maybe that's the new direction to go with all of this.

I’m pretty mysterious about the creative process because occasionally I’m figuring it out on the fly and that takes time, tutorials, technobabble and bloopers. I thought it sounded uninteresting at best and embarrassing at worst to show how we figure out how to do all this stuff, but maybe I was wrong. Maybe I can take you the readers on the journey with us. I’m always testing new software/gear/techniques maybe the focus of the story shouldn't just be on the results, but rather the journey. For instance, the trials tribulations and triumphs of figuring out a new App maybe even more interesting than just posting the cool photo we made with it

So that's been on my mind. I’ve been into the reboot of Mystery Science Theater 3K and Riffing in general lately. You’ve probably seen this show somewhere. A guy and two robot puppets are in silhouette in a theater making fun of old or super cheesy sci-fi movies by making funny comments about it. So maybe we do a story about that or try riffing a lousy movie ourselves. We're also thinking of other places to go and shoot video blogs. I love showing cool or historic places but one of my favorite videos we just shot shopping in Target. So maybe we make something funny out of more errands as well as the cool locations.

Any whoozle, I hate to use palliative cliches like new year, new you but the new year did give me adequate pause to reflect and have some new ideas. That as well as a fresh look for the logo to get things going. Expect more changes to the site as I try to set it up to be a little more user-friendly and put the newest stories up front rather than the home page. Well, thanks for reading and I’ll see you again soon with more ramblings here in Mike Space!

-Mike Olguin

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