Olguin Scene

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2020: A Year in Review

A Year in Review

2020… It’s been an “interesting” year to say the least! We started out so optimistic at the end of last year and spent the tail end of 2019 at Universal Studios and the Arboretum’s Moonlight Forrest on New Year’s Eve! The lights were dazzling, the pictures were epic and the memories we made together were obviously PRICELESS! We even journaled about what our goals were for 2020 that evening and were filled with excitement over what this year might have in store for us!

The year started off innocent enough… In January we attended LACMA’s Dapper Day where we got dressed up, pin-up style, enjoyed champagne, and danced up a storm with the best of them! The evening was so incredibly magical and we made a whole video to document our journey throughout the night! It felt like this was going to be another “Roaring Twenties” kind of year.

In early February, we went to Disneyland, the happiest place on Earth to see the new Galaxy’s Edge area (which is Star Wars themed) and the 2 incredible attractions there. We had not been since 2012, so this trip was particularly special to the both of us. We walked around like kids in a candy store, with wonder and awe! Things sure have changed a bit since the last time we were there. We actually upgraded our day pass to a 3 day pass on Main Street prior to closing because we had such a fantastic time and wanted to experience it again, and again!

By our second trip, we were aware that this thing called the Corona Virus was around and there were 5 whole cases in the US so we used hand sanitizer and washed our hands a lot, but oh goodness - we had no idea!!! We figured on our 3rd visit we might upgrade to a real annual pass, but little did we know, there would be no 3rd trip… The time spent there felt so surreal (now, even more so)!

After that, the world turned upside down. By March, we knew that things were serious. The grocery stores were out of T.P. and canned foods. Here was the LAST one left, a single can of Fava Beans… creepy!

Businesses were shutting down left and right. Everyone wore face masks. We spent a lot more time at home (and our cat Poof loved it!) Luckily, we were subscribed to Blue Apron, so we were getting 3 meals worth of groceries sent home each week. 

As things shut down, supply chains were low, but fortunately, they deemed my work “essential business” being HVAC and we were still able to work each day. Traffic was minimal, almost apocalyptic and my girls and I still got to go outside for our daily walks at lunch (distanced and masked of course). Things were pretty crazy out there in the world, but pretty regular I guess for us thankfully. It’s just the world as we knew it wasn’t available. No more museums, Disney, adventure videos, trips on the metro to LA, or socializing with friends. We found ourselves spending more time at home cooking, watching movies, letting Poof have outdoors time, getting sucked into Tiger King and the awful news, doing home haircuts and painting my own nails, and even venturing out to the Arboretum for some sunshine (which luckily didn’t close.) Our local grocery store became our only outlet to shop on a weekly basis.

By now we knew this year was going to be bad, but we never would have guessed it would be, “we better make it to the store before the stay at home curfew law is in effect” due to the riots at 6 pm. We actually had to make do with what was in the fridge one night because we had gone through our normal rations and Blue Apron was not able to deliver so we had some frozen tatter tots and a grilled cheese sandwich (#whiteladyproblems). This year also made us think about who we are as Americans and what other people think being ‘merican is… it was so surreal to watch it all unfold live on TV in the year 2020. And the Pandemic was on the rise.

By Summer, we thought things had simmered down a bit and it seemed like maybe ‘Rona was settling down. Around here many spots opened for outdoor restaurants and we were able to enjoy Mike’s birthday at the Yard House in Pasadena for our 1st outdoor dining experience. But it was a whole new world of no plastic menus, QR codes, distanced tables, and confused looking people. We tried to make the most of the summer and went to the Arboretum and the Old Zoo and made videos about where movies have been filmed over the years. The history in LA is just too much for us not to, right!? Check the blog out on that!

But soon, the weather turned it up a notch and the oppressive heatwave was upon us along with a surge in Corona cases. Our fridge and freezer even broke and we were stuck with no ice and warm beverages in 110-degree heat. Luckily we had bought a new AC in 2019 and would lie under the air conditioning during the hot, sticky weekend afternoons. Those were some tough days…

Soon enough, Fall was upon us and I booked a few Photoshoots, did Camera Club online via Zoom, and was working my normal job like crazy, which was a really good thing. We also got a video game console and spent our weekends playing Mario Kart, Mario Bros, and Streets of Rage II (and we blogged about that too) and cooking alot.

I also started painting kindness rocks and planting them around the neighborhood, working on my old studio photos in Photoshop and I even painted an underwater scene in acrylic on canvas for my office. (Nice to have those kind of creative distractions while stuck inside and hopefully spread some joy along the way.)

Then the fires in California happened. The state was ablaze! Even our little ole San Gabriel Mountains burned. Very scary! The skies were filled with smoke and we couldn’t walk outside for a few weeks, which was a super bummer as our only stress outlet and outdoor time. It also burned our lungs, but the masks really came in handy.

In October, we had a minor Earthquake, enough to scare us a bit, and the Election chaos was in full effect. Because everything was closed, and all the turmoil going on Mike found it hard to be creative and post about fun ideas, when there’s so much craziness around but he’s doing really well considering. 

Right now, we’re working on a Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge video, which is going to be super rad, especially cause no one can visit Disneyland right now. And we decorated super early for Christmas this year and have been watching nothing but Christmas movies like Home Alone, Muppet’s Christmas Carol, Elf, Miracle on 34th Street, & The Simpsons, and The Office Christmas specials and are currently listening to Christmas jazzy music right now while writing out this crazy year in review.

The bottom line is we are so incredibly thankful for our health, work, and for the time spent with one another and our cat Poof. We rather enjoy staying home and not worrying too much about FOMO (the fear of missing out) because no one is traveling, vacationing, visiting friends, or doing anything super spectacular right now. We wish all our friends and family well and hope you are all staying safe this holiday season.

For those of you who lost a loved one this year and were unable to attend the funeral or be with them bedside, my heart goes out to you! We tried watching The Christmas Chronicles and the thought of this year going without a loved one by your side was too heartbreaking to continue watching it. I lost my dad in 2015, and the missing and heartache is still there, although I am so glad I got to hold his hand in the hospital and say goodbye. Sorry to get all sad on you, this post was meant to be uplifting and engaging, so my final thought is to hopefully stay healthy, be creative and savor the ones you love while you are together (be it in person, on the phone, or via Zoom.) Also, be kind to one another. Many people are suffering out there and a smile, a nod, or lending a helping hand (figuratively of course) may make all the difference. We wish you well this holiday season and hope that 2021 will be a better year for us all!

Thanks for reading & Merry Christmas,

Crystal & Mike Olguin of Olguin Scene
